Product Update: Call Lists, All New Contact Sync, Voicemail Transcription & more!
2 min
We are excited to announce some highly awaited enhancements to our product. Our team has been working around the clock to deliver on some key features that will hopefully boost productivity and make the PhoneIQ experience better overall.
If you’d like to take a deep dive into our product releases, check out our release notes website. You can even subscribe to receive updates in your inbox.
1. Call List Enhancements: New features for our Salesforce Power & Preview Dialer:
Record Import Sources: Starting today users can import records automatically into their call lists using Salesforce Reports and Campaigns. These two new sources paired with the existing Salesforce List Views and High Velocity Sales, give users amazing flexibility to create call lists in their CRM based on any criteria and easily import them to a dialing session.
Timezone: Now users can easily order records by timezone. If you need to start your dialing session by calling records on the east coast and finishing by connecting with prospects or customers on the west coast this feature is ideal. PhoneIQ uses the primary number’s local area code to automatically calculate the records timezone, but users can manually change this.
* This feature is only available for North America.
Stats: Users can easily check the progress of their calling session by clicking on the new stats icon.
- This will show the number of:
- Processed calls (calls that were completed)
- Pending calls (calls waiting on the call list ready to be dialed)
- Call awaiting distribution (calls that were imported from Salesforce, but were not distributed to the agent’s call list yet)
- Deleted records (number of records that were manually deleted by the rep from the call list).
2. All new contact sync:
Initial Sync: Customers running the initial sync will now have a dashboard showing the live progress of the bulk contact sync.
Real-time dashboard: Once the initial sync is finished, customers will be able to see the real-time progress of the sync with key stats like numbers of processed records, how many of these records were synced and how many failed. Everything broken down by object type: Lead, Contact, Account and Person Account.
Real-time sync of bulk imports: The major feature coming on this update is that PhoneIQ is transitioning away from push topics and into the newer change data capture technology used by the Salesforce streaming API. By using this, we now support the real-time sync of records imported into Salesforce using bulk methods (e.g.: import wizard). So if an admin decides to import 5,000 leads into Salesforce in bulk, PhoneIQ will be able to detect these records and sync them automatically. Please reach out to our team to request the activation of this feature on your account.
3. Voicemail Enhancements:
Voicemail Greeting: Both admin and users can now easily change the voicemail greeting for a user. This new feature allows users and admins to upload and change voicemail greeting messages using a dropdown menu with a couple of clicks.
Voicemail to email: Users and admins can now manage voicemail to email notifications from both the user settings and the admin dashboard.
Voicemail Transcription: Quickly enable voicemail transcription on a user's voicemail box. When enabled, users will receive a text note on their voicemail to email with the transcribed message.